Spin Flow

Spin Flow

the fine art of moving digital media

the fine art of moving digital media

an Outhink sponsored community website about media production for the creative professional

an Outhink sponsored community website about media production for the creative professional

Podcast Interview - Markus Sandy

I'm too stoked.  Chris Ritke was kind enough to ask me for an interview for his podcasts.  I had too much fun and it's now on the 49Media.com.

Please visit 49Media for the complete post.  Here is a link to the mp3 file.

"Chris speaks with Markus Sandy about Spinflow.org, video blogging, vlogifying people and organizations, Podcast Hotel, Spincasting, videoblogging street teams, Blogher & a Spinflow sponsored west coast vlogger meetup, SpinXpress and more."

Chris was also so kind as to put the podcast on the Internet Archive.  Thanks Chris.

Posted by apperceptions on June 11, 2005 at 01:25 AM in News | Permalink


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