Speed Jamming Update
Jay over at www.momentshowing.net posted a great link on his blog:
Meet two relatively new videobloggers who have blown my mind.
Josh Leo lives in Michigan.
Phil Hamilton lives in Massachusettes.
Even though they live in different states, they created a video where they played music together.
Needless to say, I checked it out and found the following post by Josh Leo:
Phil Hamilton lives Near Boston in Massachussets, I live in Grand Rapids Michigan. When I saw that he played mandolin, I immediatley wanted to somehow collaborate musically. Well, we did more than that, and added video into the picture. This is is the result of our efforts, it is not perfect, but fun none the less. (For all of you who were wondering, that is a Mountain Dulcimer that I am playing.) Music Across the Miles
Talk about speed jamming! They even posted their video to the Internet Archive through OurMedia. Click the pic to view the video.
Posted by apperceptions on May 8, 2005 at 01:06 PM in News | Permalink
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I nabbed a photo from the vid and posted it. Josh has one too, but Flickr is getting a massage at the moment.
Posted by: Markus Sandy | May 8, 2005 1:36:16 PM
glad you like the video...i hope more people are inspired by it and try it themselves.
Posted by: Josh Leo | May 11, 2005 2:33:25 PM
That rocks!
Posted by: Rich Pascual | May 12, 2005 11:06:33 AM
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